Local SEO - Ad click Agency

Local SEO

In the US, approximately 90% of consumers search for local businesses online, and about 85% of searches made on mobile devices result in a visit to your store or a call to your company within 24 hours of the request. Use all the possibilities of search engine optimization on local systems to attract a target audience in your region and connect your brand with potential customers. We offer SEO services for local companies aimed at increasing conversions and increasing positions in local search engines.

How to do Local SEO?

Local SEO is a set of measures aimed at increasing the visibility and improving the position of the site in search engines for a specific region or city.
Various methods are used to achieve local SEO, such as:
  1. Content optimization: creating unique and high-quality content that will be relevant to a specific audience in a given region or city.
  2. Creating high-quality backlinks: placing links to the site from other sites that have high credibility and relevance for this audience. (We have something for you on this topic, catch – “Mastering Link Building: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Importance in SEO”).
  3. Using social networks: Creating social media pages and actively participating in communities associated with a given region or city.
  4. Improving the site loading speed: optimizing the site loading speed so that it loads faster and improves its position in search engines.
  5. Competitor Analysis: study of competitors’ websites in a given region and use their experience to improve your site.
  6. Working with SEO specialists: attracting specialists to help optimize the site and achieve the best results in search engines.
Ranking factors in local SEO may differ from the factors used in global SEO. For example, for local SEO, there may be more important factors related to the local context, such as location, language, culture, weather, etc. Other factors may also be used, such as the availability of local content, the quality of local backlinks, etc.
There are several factors that can worsen local SEO:
  1. Lack of local content: If there is no local content on your site, such as reviews, articles or news, then search engines may consider your site uninteresting for a local audience.
  2. Incorrect use of keywords: Using the wrong keywords can cause your site to rank poorly in search results. For example, if you use keywords that are not relevant to your industry or region, then this may negatively affect your SEO.
  3. Incorrect content structuring: The structuring of content on your site should be adapted to local needs. For example, you can use local tags, headings, and meta descriptions to improve the visibility of your site in search results for local queries.
  4. No links to your site: Links to your site from other sites can help improve its visibility in search results. However, if these links are not of high quality or are not relevant to your business, then they can worsen SEO.
  5. Poor content quality: The quality of the content on your site is of great importance for local SEO. If your content is not interesting or relevant to local users, then this may lead to a decrease in the visibility of your site in search engines.
We have a free guide on the topic: “Effective Local SEO Strategies 2024“.
Local SEO can be useful for business for several reasons:
  1. Improved visibility in search engines. Optimization of the site taking into account regional specifics helps to improve its visibility in search engines and increase the number of visitors from a certain region.
  2. Increase conversion. Local SEO helps to attract more potential customers from a certain region, which can lead to increased conversions and increased sales.
  3. Improving reputation. Optimization for local keywords can help improve the reputation of a business in a certain region, which will lead to increased trust from potential customers.
  4. Increased attendance. Local optimization can help increase site traffic, which can lead to increased sales and increased profits.

The best company for Local SEO

Choosing the best company for local SEO can be a complex and multi-step process. However, there are several ways that can help in choosing the most suitable company for your specific situation:

Study the reviews and ratings.

Look for reviews of local SEO companies on sites such as Google Maps, Yelp, Facebook or Trustpilot. Pay attention to the rating of the company, the number of reviews and their content.

Contact local experts.

Ask your friends and colleagues to recommend companies that are engaged in local SEO in your region. Perhaps they have already worked with certain companies and can give you advice based on their experience.

Attend seminars and conferences.

Many local SEO companies hold seminars and conferences where you can get to know them personally and ask questions.

Estimate the cost of services.

Compare prices for services from different companies to choose the best offer. Don't forget to take into account all expenses, including site setup, content marketing and other services.

Get a consultation.

Sign up for a consultation with several companies to get a better understanding of how they work and what services they offer.

Evaluate the work experience.

Evaluate the company's experience in working with local SEO. Look at their portfolio, read customer reviews and look at the number of projects they have successfully completed.

Find out about the guarantees.

Make sure that the company provides guarantees for its services and is ready to work with you if problems arise.

Evaluate the deadlines for the work.

It is important to take into account the deadlines to ensure that the company will be able to complete the project on time.

Learn about working methods.

Pay attention to the company's working methods, for example, the use of social networks, content creation, etc

Check for certificates and licenses.

Some companies may have certificates and licenses confirming their experience and qualifications.

We know that optimizing your website for search engines is an important step in promoting your business on the Internet. We use various tools and techniques to help you achieve the best results. Our team consists of professionals who have many years of experience in this field. We know all the subtleties and nuances of SEO optimization, and also know how to work with various platforms and CMS. If you want to increase the visibility of your website on the Internet and attract more customers, then local SEO optimization may be exactly what you need.

Client testimonials


Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a digital marketing strategy focused on improving a local business's online visibility in search engine results, especially for location-specific searches. It benefits your business by increasing its chances of appearing in local search results, attracting more local customers, and boosting foot traffic to your physical store.
The timeline for seeing results from local SEO can vary depending on factors like your industry, competition, and the current state of your website. Generally, you may start noticing improvements within a few weeks to several months. However, long-term success often requires ongoing optimization and monitoring.
You can find our prices on the marketing page. However, our prices for local SEO services may vary depending on the scope of work and your specific business goals. We offer customized service packages tailored to your needs and budget. We will work closely with you to determine the right strategy and pricing plan that meets your goals.
Local SEO involves strategies like optimizing your Google My Business profile, acquiring local backlinks, and consistently publishing localized content. By implementing these tactics effectively, you can improve your online authority and relevance, ultimately giving you a competitive edge over other businesses in your area.
We provide detailed monthly reports that include key performance metrics such as website traffic, keyword rankings, conversion rates, and online visibility. These reports allow you to track the progress of your local SEO campaign and make informed decisions to optimize your online presence further.

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