Ecommerce Marketing Experts | AdClick Agency


Ecommerce marketing is a multifaceted endeavor, encompassing various channels and techniques tailored to create a thriving online store.

Prevalent marketing strategies


Social Media Marketing

For ecommerce marketers, the approach may vary, and not all social platforms suit every need. Ecommerce websites rely heavily on visuals, making the effective use of imagery pivotal in driving traffic and attention towards product pages. Platforms like Instagram are ideal for showcasing sharp product photography and extending a product's reach.
Taking it a step further, you can create shoppable content, allowing visitors to make purchases directly through your posts, eliminating buying process friction. Leveraging Facebook Business Pages to share product reviews can also bolster your ecommerce venture.


Content Marketing

While content marketing often conjures images of blogs and videos meant to enhance website SEO and industry-related insights, it plays a pivotal role in online product sales.
Optimizing product page copy for relevant, product-centric keywords enhances discoverability. Crafting blog posts catering to broader topics engages a wider audience. Guest posting on relevant websites not only widens your reach but also boosts your site's domain authority. Additionally, a keyword-focused FAQ section on your website builds authority and drives traffic.


Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM comprises search engine optimization (SEO) and paid advertising, such as pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns and display advertising. PPC campaigns on Google guarantee visibility when users search for terms matching your campaign, making it a favored choice for ecommerce marketers.
Registering with Google AdWords and promoting product pages through PPC campaigns ensures potential buyers encounter your offerings directly, increasing the likelihood of conversion.


Email Marketing

Email marketing, one of the oldest digital marketing forms, remains a potent tool in ecommerce. Automation streamlines drip campaigns, segmenting subscribers by interest or buyer journey stage. However, maintaining a meticulous email list is crucial to preserve trust among leads, given growing data privacy concerns.


Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing targets individuals or brands with sway over your target audience. These influencers cultivate communities of trust, making it easy to promote your products through endorsements or sponsored posts.


Affiliate Marketing

Ecommerce sites frequently employ affiliate marketing, enlisting individuals or businesses to sell products online in exchange for commissions. Affiliates employ various marketing tactics, including paid advertising and content marketing, to drive traffic and sales to your product pages.


Local Marketing

Often overlooked by ecommerce businesses, local marketing can be a strategic approach. Tracking cookies can help pinpoint the locations of potential customers, allowing you to offer incentives like discounted or free shipping, potentially converting local prospects into loyal customers.

Our success cases


A team that prioritizes the physical health and athletic ambitions of its clients.


Össur's goal is to provide people with customized solutions that enhance their mobility, comfort and overall well-being.


The mission of FirstHomeCoach is to give people the opportunity to manage their money competently. Their goal is to simplify financial control, promote targeted savings and direct conscious spending.

Get in touch to build with the right team


Other industries


We are your steadfast partner in the dynamic energy industry, committed to a sustainable future. Our energy management


We are your steadfast partner in the dynamic energy industry, committed to a sustainable future. Our energy management


We are your steadfast partner in the dynamic energy industry, committed to a sustainable future. Our energy management

Other services

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Rankings constitute the metrics employed by search engines to determine a webpage's placement within the SERP.

Digital Marketing Strategy

A digital marketing strategy entails a comprehensive blueprint for harnessing online platforms to establish a robust internet presence and accomplish precise marketing goals.

Local SEO

In the US, approximately 90% of consumers search for local businesses online, and about 85% of searches made on mobile devices result in a visit...

Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing

Understanding PPC Advertising Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a dynamic digital marketing strategy that enables businesses to feature on search engine result pages (SERPs) by paying a fee when users..

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the optimization of site parameters to best meet the requirements of search engines. The most common technical optimization practices...

Link Building Services

Link building involves enhancing the quantity and quality of inbound links to your website, thereby generating referral traffic, elevating domain authority, and improving search engine rankings.

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Client testimonials


E-commerce businesses often grapple with challenges such as increasing online visibility, competing with giants, managing customer reviews, and achieving ROI in digital advertising.
We develop conversion-focused strategies, including optimizing user experience (UX), implementing effective call-to-action (CTA) buttons, personalized product recommendations, and A/B testing to enhance conversion rates. Our goal is to drive more sales by refining the customer journey and streamlining the checkout process.
We conduct thorough market research to identify your target audience and create tailored marketing campaigns that resonate with their needs and preferences. Our approach includes segment-specific content, social media targeting, and personalized email marketing to engage different customer segments effectively.
We create compelling, SEO-optimized content such as product descriptions, blog posts, buying guides, and videos that engage your audience and drive traffic. Our content strategy focuses on providing valuable information, addressing customer pain points, and building trust to increase conversions.
We track various key performance indicators (KPIs) including conversion rates, website traffic, customer acquisition cost (CAC), return on ad spend (ROAS), and customer lifetime value (CLV). Regular reporting and analysis help us optimize strategies for maximum ROI.

Contact us, build the right marketing with the right team

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Top-rated Marketing Agency


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of a team senior and middle engineers


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Contact us, build the right marketing with the right team

Secured by NDA

Top-rated Marketing Agency


projects delivered remotely


of a team senior and middle engineers


employee turnover


customer satisfaction



Return2Play aimed to increase both the number and quality of potential customers coming from its website. The goal was to attract a more accurate customer base and make the significant improvements needed to increase local web traffic and conversion rates.


All pages have been modified for local search, which has provided noticeable visibility in the search results. In addition, we have diligently fixed broken links, improved metadata for an extensive collection of over 100 pages, and improved the effectiveness of page headers.


+ 15%

Page views

+ 32%

Organic traffic



Össur needed recommendations to improve the brand’s positioning in the prosthetics and orthopedic products market. Also Össur were interested in improving strategies that use social media, content marketing and SEO to reach a wider audience and connect with people who could benefit from their products.


The Adclick agency has developed a comprehensive strategy to increase brand awareness. Strategically using social media platforms, we have helped Össur to interact with the target audience. A thorough SEO analysis and optimization was also carried out to improve the website’s ranking in search engines.


+ 65%
Online Leads
+ 45%
Search traffic



FirstHomeCoach’s mission is to empower individuals and families to control their financial well-being by providing a comprehensive platform that facilitates smart money management. With a dedicated focus on making a positive impact, FirstHomeCoach sought our expertise to develop and execute a comprehensive awareness campaign to increase the company’s visibility, leveraging channels such as digital marketing, social media, and content creation.


By developing and executing a strategic awareness campaign, Adclick agency significantly increased FirstHomeCoach’s brand visibility across digital platforms. Strategic partnerships, user testimonials, and targeted advertising amplified the impact, fostering trust and attracting a qualified user base.


+ 40k
Online Leads
+ 2k
Conversion Rate

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