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Google Analytics Services

Google Analytics, often referred to as GA, stands as a robust and complimentary analytics tool that provides an intricate examination of your website and/or app's performance.
What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics, often referred to as GA, stands as a robust and complimentary analytics tool that provides an intricate examination of your website and/or app's performance. Its seamless integration with an array of Google's marketing and advertising platforms and products, including Google Ads, Search Console, and Data Studio, renders it an immensely popular choice for users employing multiple Google tools.
Is Google Analytics Free?
Within the realm of GA, there exist both a cost-free and a premium variant known as Analytics 360. For small and medium-sized enterprises, the free version usually suffices, offering a comprehensive feature set. On the other hand, Analytics 360 commences at an annual rate of $150,000 (with monthly billing) and escalates once your website amasses over one billion monthly visits.
Before proceeding, it's important to note that there currently exist two distinct iterations of Google Analytics: Universal Analytics and GA4.
What is Universal Analytics?
Universal Analytics represents the present rendition of Google Analytics. If you established your Google Analytics account prior to October 2020, it is probable that you are using Universal Analytics.
What is GA4? GA4 represents the most recent incarnation of Google Analytics. It boasts a slightly altered user interface and enhancements across its reports, tools, and features. For those who initiated a Google Analytics account post-October 2020, GA4 is the likely version in use. Distinguishing between Universal Analytics and GA4 can be done through the appearance of your home screen - Universal Analytics on the left and GA4 on the right.
What is GA4?
GA4 represents the most recent incarnation of Google Analytics. It boasts a slightly altered user interface and enhancements across its reports, tools, and features. For those who initiated a Google Analytics account post-October 2020, GA4 is the likely version in use.
Distinguishing between Universal Analytics and GA4 can be done through the appearance of your home screen - Universal Analytics on the left and GA4 on the right.
Google Analytics: Universal Analytics vs. GA4 Should You Employ Google Analytics?
If you yearn for copious amounts of data - and, more importantly, possess the time and capacity to scrutinize and act upon it - then GA fits the bill magnificently. Nonetheless, it is worth acknowledging that implementing, learning, maintaining, and utilizing GA demands considerable time and effort.
Alternatively, other marketing analytics solutions, such as HubSpot, can supply the requisite data with significantly less labor involved.
Google Analytics is a powerful analytics tool that allows you to collect data about user behavior on the site, such as the number of visits, time spent on the site, the number of pages viewed, and much more. This gives you the opportunity to see the full picture of what is happening on your site and take the necessary measures to improve its performance.
We work with Google Analytics at a professional level and provide a full range of services for setting up and implementing this system on your site. We will help you set up goals, set filters, set up reports and much more to get the most accurate and useful data about user behavior.
Our job is to help you understand how users interact with your site so that you can make decisions based on accurate data. We guarantee high quality of work and individual approach to each client.
Don't miss the opportunity to improve your website and get more information about user behavior using Google Analytics.

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Google Analytics offers a range of services, including web analytics, mobile app analytics, e-commerce tracking, event tracking, and user behavior analysis. These services provide valuable insights into how users interact with your website or app, helping you make data-driven decisions. Don't be afraid to contact us for answers.
Yes, Google Analytics provides audience insights such as demographics (age, gender, location), interests, devices used, and user behavior. This information helps you tailor your content and marketing strategies to better target your audience.
Google Analytics offers e-commerce tracking services that allow you to monitor sales, revenue, and product performance. You can track transactions, measure conversion rates, and analyze shopping behavior to optimize your online store. Get acquainted with our experience in this industry.
Event tracking in Google Analytics helps you monitor specific user interactions on your website, such as clicks on buttons, video views, downloads, and form submissions. This data is crucial for evaluating user engagement and optimizing your site for better user experiences.
Google Analytics offers both free and premium (Google Analytics 360) versions. The free version is sufficient for many users, while the premium version offers advanced features and support. The cost depends on your specific needs and the volume of data you need to analyze. You can get acquainted with our price list here.

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