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Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the optimization of site parameters to best meet the requirements of search engines. The most common technical optimization practices are aimed at increasing the site loading speed and the number of pages in the search engine index and improving the site architecture for the convenience of scanning pages by robots.
Search engine optimization (SEO) encompasses three distinct realms: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO. Let’s delve into the unique characteristics of each.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO revolves around content that communicates your page's purpose to both search engines and human readers. It involves elements such as image alt text, strategic keyword usage, meta descriptions, H1 tags, URL structure, and internal linking. The beauty of on-page SEO lies in the control you wield, as everything resides within your website.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO, on the other hand, revolves around signaling to search engines the popularity and usefulness of your page through external endorsements, primarily in the form of backlinks from other websites. The quality and quantity of these backlinks significantly impact a page's PageRank. All else being equal, a page boasting 100 relevant, high-quality links from reputable sources will outrank one with either 50 such links or 100 irrelevant links from credible sites.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is a domain where control remains firmly in your hands, but it demands a bit more finesse due to its less intuitive nature.

The Significance of Technical SEO

Ignoring technical SEO might be tempting, but it plays a pivotal role in driving organic traffic. Even if your content is impeccably crafted and valuable, it will remain hidden from search engines if they cannot efficiently crawl it. It's akin to a tree falling in a forest with no one around to hear it – if the technical SEO foundation is weak, your content makes no sound in the realm of search engines.

Foundations of a Technical SEO Audit

Before embarking on a technical SEO audit, it's crucial to establish a few foundational elements. Let's delve into these technical SEO essentials before proceeding to a comprehensive website audit.

1. Audit Your Preferred Domain

Your domain is the web address people use to access your site (e.g., Your choice of domain affects search visibility and provides consistency in identifying your site.

By selecting a preferred domain, you inform search engines whether you favor the "www" or "non-www" version of your site in search results. For instance, you may choose "" over "," directing search engines to prioritize the "www" version and redirecting all users to that URL. This prevents search engines from treating these versions as separate sites, which would scatter SEO value.

While Google now automatically selects a preferred version, you can set your preference using canonical tags if desired. Regardless, ensure that all variants, including "www," "non-www," "http," and "index.html," permanently redirect to your chosen version.

2. Implement SSL

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is pivotal for security, creating a protective layer between your web server and users' browsers. This encryption safeguards sensitive data like payments and contact information.

An SSL certificate is identifiable by a domain that begins with "https://" instead of "http://" and a padlock icon in the URL bar. Search engines prioritize secure sites, with Google incorporating SSL as a ranking factor since 2014. After setting up SSL, migrate all non-SSL pages to "https." This process includes:

- Redirecting all "" pages to ""
- Updating canonical and hreflang tags.
- Updating URLs in your sitemap and robot.txt.
- Establishing new instances of Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools for the "https" version to ensure traffic migration.

3. Optimize Page Speed

User patience for website loading is minimal, typically around six seconds. Even a one-second delay can lead to a 90% increase in bounce rates. Speed is not only essential for user experience but also a ranking factor.

To enhance page load times:
- Compress files to reduce image and code sizes.
- Regularly audit redirects to minimize delays.
- Streamline your code to improve efficiency.
- Consider utilizing a content distribution network (CDN).
- Use plugins judiciously, keeping them up-to-date.
- Leverage cache plugins to deliver static content faster.
- Implement asynchronous (async) loading for scripts to expedite page rendering.

Identifying speed deficiencies can be done with Google's speed analysis tools.

With these technical SEO fundamentals in place, you're primed for the next phase: ensuring crawlability. Take a free guide on the topic "Exploring Essential Technical SEO Tools". If you want to bring your website to the top positions in search engines, then our company is the perfect choice for you! Technical SEO optimization is a set of measures aimed at improving the quality of a website and increasing its position in search engines. We are engaged in optimizing the loading speed of the site, improving content and images, eliminating errors and vulnerabilities. We guarantee an individual approach to each project and the development of a strategy that will be most effective for your site. Our team consists of professionals in their field who have extensive experience in this field. We are sure that our experience and knowledge will help you reach new heights in your business!

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Technical SEO services can benefit your website in several ways:

- Improved Visibility: By fixing technical issues and optimizing your site, you can rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), leading to increased organic traffic.
- Enhanced User Experience: A well-optimized site loads faster, is mobile-friendly, and offers a better experience to visitors, reducing bounce rates and improving engagement.
- Higher Conversions: When users can easily access and navigate your site, they are more likely to convert into customers or take desired actions.
- Better Crawlability: Search engine crawlers can efficiently index your content, ensuring that your pages appear in relevant search results.
- Competitive Advantage: Outperforming competitors in technical aspects can give you an edge in search rankings and customer trust.
Contact us to find out more.

The timeline for seeing results from Technical SEO services can vary depending on the current state of your website, the competitiveness of your industry, and the specific services performed. Generally, you may start to see improvements in rankings and traffic within a few weeks to a few months. However, it's important to note that SEO is an ongoing process, and consistent efforts are required to maintain and improve your rankings over time.
Our Technical SEO strategies are highly customized for each website. We begin with a comprehensive audit to identify the specific issues and opportunities unique to your site. Based on the audit findings and your business goals, we develop a tailored strategy that addresses your website's specific needs. This ensures that our services are aligned with your objectives and yield the best results for your website.
Yes, we offer ongoing maintenance and monitoring services to ensure the long-term success of your Technical SEO efforts. This includes regular checks for technical issues, performance optimization, monitoring of search engine algorithm updates, and adjustments to your strategy as needed. Our goal is to continuously improve your website's SEO and keep it aligned with evolving search engine trends and best practices. Contact us to find out more.

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