25 Mobile App Marketing Tips & Strategies Ad click Agency

25 Mobile App Marketing Tips to Perfect Your Strategy

Mobile app marketing encompasses various strategies aimed at driving app downloads, engaging mobile users, and retaining existing app users. In this article, we will guide you through the different stages of app development and provide tips on how to effectively market your app. These tips can be implemented sequentially throughout the following four stages: app development, 1-2 months before app launch, app launch week, and post-launch activities.

Here are 25 tried-and-true mobile app marketing tips from Digital Authority that have proven to be successful for our clients, and that you should consider implementing too.

  1. Preparing for Mobile App Marketing during the Development Phase

During the app development phase, focus primarily on building the app. However, there are certain features you can add to your app that will help market it once it is launched. These features are applicable to all industries and types of apps.

Make it easy for users to share and refer your app to friends: Incorporate referral programs into your app development process to incentives users to invite others to use the app. Embed this functionality natively in your app and integrate it with messaging and social platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Gchat.

  1.   Implement mobile app analytics to measure user behavior: Integrate with standard analytics software development kits like Google Analytics, AppsFlyer, or Mixpanel. Having an analytics framework in place will allow you to personalize the user experience, understand customer attitudes, and make improvements to your app.
  1. Enable push notifications: Take advantage of push notifications to engage with users after the app is launched.

 Push notifications have higher open rates compared to emails, making them an effective communication tool. Register with the operating system’s push notification service (iOS or Android) and add the SDK to your app for seamless communication.

  1.   Provide an app feedback mechanism: Incorporate a feedback option within your app to encourage users to provide feedback. Make it easily accessible and convenient for users to pitch ideas or report issues. This feedback will help you improve your app and create a better user experience.
  1.   Deploy a full-page pop-up to announce app updates: Create an in-app pop-up that prompts users to update the app when a new version is released. This ensures that all users have the latest version and are engaged with the app. Customize the pop-up to introduce new features and address user feedback.
  1.   Encourage customer ratings through in-app pop-ups: Use built-in pop-ups to encourage active users to rate your app. Higher ratings improve your app’s visibility and increase its ranking in app stores, leading to more downloads and organic marketing.

1-2 Months Before Launching the App

This is a crucial time for app development companies and entrepreneurs, as final tweaks are being made to the software and marketing efforts are being ramped up to generate early downloads.

  1.   Create a branding style guide: Develop a brand style guide that represents your app’s message consistently across all platforms. This guide should encompass your brand story and logo, ensuring consistency in communication and visual elements.
  1.   Build a website and landing page for your app: Create a dedicated website and landing page that explains the value and benefits of your app. This will increase visibility, boost SEO, and help in collecting emails to build excitement before the app launch.
  1.   Create a demo video: Leverage visual content and create a short demo video showcasing how to use the app and its benefits. This video can be shared on your landing page, in the app, and on your App Store page to attract users and build interest.
  1.     Write a compelling press release: Craft a well-written press release to attract journalists and secure coverage for your app. Include an attention-grabbing headline, a press contact, a summary of key points, valuable information, a quote, a closing statement, and a boilerplate of your brand. Target journalists who specialize in your industry to maximize exposure.
  1. Compile a list of journalists in your niche for media outreach.

When creating your media list, it is essential to understand the target audience and the media they consume. This will determine whether your story is better suited for trade publications or blogs, depending on whether it is business-based or consumer-based. To be effective, personalize your pitch to show journalists that you understand their work and what they are looking for. Take note of any connections you have with them and save this information for future email marketing campaigns.

  1. Create a list of social media influencers and bloggers in your niche.

Influencers differ from journalists as they have a strong following due to their expertise and engagement in a specific area. They are active on social media platforms and regularly post content. Build relationships with influencers by engaging with their posts and sharing their content.

  1. Establish and maintain active social media profiles.

Create social media profiles for your app, and begin posting regularly at least one month prior to launch. Invite friends, family, and colleagues to like and follow your page. Aim to have a minimum of 500 followers and 20-30 posts before the app is live to give the impression of an established presence.

  1. Implement a comprehensive SEO strategy to increase app visibility.

Start working on your SEO strategy 1-2 months before the app launch. Research keywords related to your app and optimize your website to rank higher in search engine results pages. Create original content to share on your website and social media channels, which can act as linkable assets for further boosting your SEO efforts.

2 Weeks before Launch:

  1. Engage with journalists and influencers.

Reach out to journalists and influencers on social media and through email communication. Like, comment, and share their posts to demonstrate your active involvement in their communities. Send regular emails to your list of influencers and journalists who have agreed to support your app, ensuring they are ready to promote it on launch day.

  1. Optimize your app store listing.

Create a concise and compelling app description that includes keywords relevant to your app’s category. Use clear screenshots with catchy captions to attract users’ attention and encourage downloads.

  1. Participate in online and offline communities.

Become an active member in relevant online communities by answering questions on platforms like Quora and Reddit. Share informative presentations on platforms like Slideshare to engage with your target audience. Additionally, consider organizing or participating in events where you can talk about your app and connect with potential users.

  1. Distribute promotional swag with your app’s logo and tagline.

Prior to launch, create promotional products such as mugs, hats, or high-quality t-shirts featuring your app’s logo and tagline. Distribute these items to your team, friends, and contacts to generate brand awareness and encourage downloads.

After App Launch:

  1. Host a launch party to generate buzz for your app.

Invite friends, family, associates, journalists, and influencers to attend a launch party. Provide free food and drinks to entice attendees, and encourage them to download and promote your app.

  1. Run app-install ad campaigns to boost organic growth.

Invest in paid promotions on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Adwords to increase app installs. A high number of installs can enhance your visibility in app stores, potentially leading to more downloads.

  1. Create business cards with QR codes and distribute them to strangers.

Generate interest in your app by distributing business cards with QR codes in public places like subway stations. This allows people to easily access your app without the need for further follow-ups.

  1. Update all touch points to promote your app.

Include links to your app store listing in your email signature, change your business voicemail message to encourage callers to download the app, and update your social media profiles with creative imagery showcasing your app.

  1. Submit your app to app reviewer sites.

Submit your app to app reviewer sites to gain exposure and potentially be featured on popular websites. Reach out to platforms like ProductHunt to list your app and ask for upvotes to attract more downloads.

  1. Apply for app awards to increase credibility.

Apply for app design and feature awards to showcase your app’s quality and differentiate it from competitors. Consider awards such as Apply Awards, Best App Ever Awards, or The Webby Awards.

  1. Continuously monitor app analytics and gather user feedback.

Regularly analyze app analytics and listen to user feedback to identify areas for improvement. Actively implementing changes based on user input demonstrates that you value customer satisfaction and enhances loyalty.

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In conclusion, these 25 tips provide a comprehensive guide to effectively marketing your mobile app in a crowded and competitive market. From development to post-launch, these strategies help you stand out and attract downloads.



  • Kieran Scott

    Kieran Scott is a Senior Marketing Manager on the blog team with a wealth of experience writing about your favorite social media platforms, sales trends, and how you can keep your customers happy. He’s the sole manager of Breaking the Blueprint, a DI&B blog series dedicated to addressing the unique challenges and opportunities of underrepresented entrepreneurs, growing its traffic by more than 50% in just one year. When he’s away from his keyboard, you’ll probably find him trying new recipes and leaving his heart out on the soccer field. At the same time. He’s based in Brooklyn, NY.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What strategies and techniques do you use to market and promote websites and applications effectively?
Our marketing and promotion strategies for websites and applications include a combination of proven techniques. We utilize search engine optimization (SEO) to improve visibility in search results, employ targeted digital advertising campaigns, leverage social media marketing, and create compelling content to engage and attract the right audience. Additionally, we analyze data and metrics to refine our strategies and ensure optimal performance. Our goal is to maximize your online presence, drive relevant traffic, and generate meaningful results for your website or application.  Do you want to learn more about existing promotion methods and strategies?  We have an article on this topic, leave a request and we will send it to you.
How do you identify the appropriate audience?
To identify the right audience, we use various strategies, such as conducting marketing research, analyzing demographic and psychographic data, as well as using data analytics. We collect information about the behavior, preferences and interests of consumers to understand who will benefit most from your business. Focusing on the right audience, we guarantee that your ideas will resonate with the intended audience and effectively convey your message.  We have a guide to determine the target audience, leave a request to receive.
How do you optimize websites and applications for search engines (SEO)?
To optimize websites and applications for search engines (SEO), we employ several strategies. These include conducting keyword research to identify relevant and high-performing keywords, optimizing on-page elements such as meta tags, headings, and content, improving website loading speed, implementing proper URL structures, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and enhancing overall website user experience. We also focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable sources and creating valuable and shareable content. By following these practices, we aim to improve search engine visibility and increase organic traffic to your website or application. We have more information about SEO (with the factors that affect it). Poke here and we’ll send it to you.
How do you measure and track the effectiveness of marketing efforts?

To measure and track the effectiveness of marketing efforts, various metrics and tools are utilized. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, click-through rates, engagement metrics, and customer acquisition costs are commonly used. Additionally, marketing analytics tools and platforms like Google Analytics, social media analytics, and email marketing analytics provide valuable insights into campaign performance, audience behavior, and ROI. These tools help monitor and analyze data, allowing for data-driven decision-making and the optimization of marketing strategies for better results.

Can you provide insights and analytics on user behavior and engagement for websites and applications?

Yes, as part of our services, we can provide insights and analytics on user behavior and engagement for websites and applications. We utilize various analytics tools and techniques to track user interactions, measure key metrics, and gather valuable data. This information helps us understand how users are engaging with your website or application, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize user experience and drive desired outcomes.

Are there specific marketing tools or platforms that you specialize in using?
Yes, as a marketing and promotion service provider for websites and applications, we specialize in using a variety of marketing tools and platforms. Some of the common ones include Google Ads, social media advertising platforms like Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads, email marketing tools, content management systems, analytics platforms for tracking user behavior and engagement, and search engine optimization (SEO) tools. We stay updated with the latest trends and technologies to effectively leverage these tools and platforms for successful marketing campaigns. By the way, we have reviewed several marketing tools and platforms, do you want to read? Then give us the data to send.
What is your approach to creating compelling and persuasive messaging for websites and applications?
Our approach to creating compelling and persuasive messaging for websites and applications involves understanding your target audience, identifying key value propositions, and crafting clear and engaging content. We focus on highlighting the benefits, solving pain points, and creating a unique brand voice to captivate users and drive conversions. Through strategic messaging techniques and persuasive storytelling, we aim to create a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience and motivates them to take desired actions. We have an article on this topic, you can leave a request and we will send it to you.

As a marketing and promotion agency, we stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and best practices for websites and applications through continuous learning and professional development. Our team actively participates in industry events, webinars, workshops, and conferences to stay informed about emerging strategies and technologies. We also regularly research and follow reputable marketing publications, blogs, and online communities dedicated to sharing insights and trends in the digital marketing space. By staying connected to the marketing community and investing in our team’s knowledge, we ensure that we provide our clients with the most current and effective marketing strategies for their websites and applications.

Are there any specific industries or niches that you specialize in when it comes to marketing websites and applications?

Yes, we specialize in marketing websites and applications across various industries, including e-commerce, technology, healthcare, finance, education, and entertainment. Our team has experience tailoring marketing strategies to meet the specific needs and objectives of businesses in these industries.

How do you ensure a cohesive and integrated marketing strategy across multiple channels for websites and applications?

To ensure a cohesive and integrated marketing strategy across multiple channels for websites and applications, we utilize a combination of careful planning, consistent messaging, and effective cross-channel coordination. We develop a comprehensive marketing plan that aligns with your goals and target audience, ensuring consistent branding and messaging across various platforms. By utilizing marketing automation tools, integrating data analytics, and implementing cross-channel communication, we ensure that your marketing efforts are synchronized and optimized for maximum impact and reach.

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